IN OPEN CONTEMPT | Kirkus Reviews
A spirited and often poetic treatment of an important and timely topic.
Black History Month Interview with Queensborough Community College
Irvin Weathersby Jr. lectures in the English Department at Queensborough Community College, teaching composition and creative writing. A 2019 Bernard O’Keefe Scholar in Nonfiction at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, Mr. Weathersby often writes about race and the Black experience. A former high school teacher and re-entry educator in Baltimore, the South Bronx and Harlem, his writing centers on marginalized communities. Irivin’s essays have appeared in Esquire, The Atlantic, The Root, EBONY, and elsewhere talks about his upcoming book, In Open Contempt (Viking/Penguin), a memoir-in-essays focused on expressions of white supremacy in art found in New Orleans, his hometown, and around the world.